Sunday, August 29, 2010

Getting started

It has already been intense in the Pastry Program and we are just getting started! The first couple of days was just getting to know the recipes that we are all assigned for two weeks. I have Mediterranean Olive bread, Oatmeal Raisin cookies, Sachertorte and Palmiers. Next post will have my items.

Chef Flick is hardcore! He used to be the Pastry chef at one of the Ritz Carlton and has many years of old school pastry experience. This is his program not the school's and what he says goes! He is passionate and speaks a language{of pastry} that gets me giddy! But he scares me as well! He takes no excuses and standards are high! First day we were informed that we will under NO circumstance have timers! No timers on baking items....are you kidding me! His oven system is a Low oven, Medium and High we are not to be concerned with exact oven temp either...gees.

On day three I was having a bad day and after class had a meltdown. He warned us of this that we would be giving blood, sweat and tears! So far sweat and private tears have been shed! I'm ready for more....


  1. Keep up the good work,,,it will be worth it!

  2. How cool! Even though it's intense you're gonna have so much fun! That's cool you have such an experienced teacher. At least he's not Chef Ramsay!
