Well with my personal hour glass speedily coming to an end {end of May to be exact}. I have be waging war with many possibilities for Shabby and where to make it happen. I'm not going to lie last week I might of told you I'm no longer interested in being a baker or that I'm going to do something completely off the wall instead.
Like with any struggling artist/passion {ist} you will have many moment of insanity. I thankfully kicked myself in the butt and dusted the chocolate off my chef's jacket and is finding {that is still in the process} a new ray of light. Last week I decided to quit my beloved Dean and Deluca. Many people first reaction is WHY? Then.... well what are you going to do now? My answer? I do not know!
All I know is that I need some time to melt down and temper and remolding myself. Anyone in this industry know you don't do it for the money this is clearly not the issue. It does take lots to get started. My worst enemy at the moment is location! My heart and soul is in California but my head and reasonableness {when present} is here in Johnson County KS.
With many supporter {you know who you are}I'll be making a final decision soon. Sticking to the final decision will be the hard part.